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  • How can general practice be managed to deliver bang-for-health-dollar-buck to the government, healthcare outcomes for patients and a respectable ROI for the business?
    UQ Business School's Dr Robyn King considers which management systems bring efficient business practice to general practice.

  • Your cultural background may determine how you react to bad customer service, suggests a study led by UQ Business School and conducted across the US, Australia, Thailand and China. Companies seeking to expand internationally, beware, one culture's polite complaint can be another culture's outraged outburst.
  • It's time for leaders to step up. The world faces a range of complex, global challenges: resource depletion, food security, global financial instability, demographic imbalance and climate change. Business can be part of the solution, but are our business leaders up to the job? Associate Professors Bernard McKenna, David Rooney and Dr Hannes Zacher consider wisdom as a prerequisite for leadership.
  • How can a small firm with a second-rate product challenge big business and end up dominating the market? Disruption - the concept often used to explain such shifts - is now at the centre of a heated debate.
  • Natural disasters can have a devastating effect on tourism. However Australia’s experience with flooding and bushfires has provided some valuable lessons on how destinations can recover after a crisis.
  • A growing number of business professionals are seeking a career in charities or social enterprise but they are often unprepared for the culture clash. Here’s what you need to know to make a smooth transition.
  • The increase in extreme weather indicates that climate change is already here, yet so far there has been little discussion of how it will affect business. The Climate Resilient Organization, a new book by Dr Martina Linnenluecke and Professor Andrew Griffiths of UQ Business School, considers what actions companies can take. In this interview, Dr Linnenluecke explains why they need to adapt and build their resilience.
  • Many of those facing redundancy in the current round of industry restructurings are the over-45s, who find it more difficult to find new jobs. How can we help them get back to work?
  • In sport, as well as business, improving performance is about creating an environment that enables people to grow and develop. A former Olympic coach explains how it’s done.
