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  • With the rise of influencer marketing, companies are paying celebrities up to $10,000 a tweet to mention their products, while bloggers are benefiting from VIP treatment. But to what extent can a small number of people really influence opinions and drive sales?
  • We have heard a lot about it but is it just a buzzword? Here are six ways in which big data is being used in business and society at large.
  • Now there’s a new place to hang out at work. Enterprise social networks provide an online environment where employees can get to know their colleagues, work together and exchange ideas.
  • Will rising fuel costs mean the end of long-haul holidays? Will shopping become the new sightseeing? And will tourists turn into ‘cyborgs’? Discover the six key trends shaping tourism in the 21st century.
  • A small Queensland coffee shop has set itself apart with its innovative business model. Dr David Parker, an expert in service operations management with UQ Business School, explains what others can learn in a series of conversations with the owner. This article was adapted from the original in Management Services magazine.
  • Smartphones will become the new wallets as digital money grows in popularity - but this new and disruptive technology could also have a profound impact on business and the world economy.
  • Innovation isn’t just about technology - enterprising HR professionals are enhancing their firm’s performance by finding new ways to manage and motivate staff. Here are 7 ways to follow their example and be a HR innovator.

  • Is it wise to leave young males in charge of the world's financial system? Research suggests that having more female bankers could help prevent a future financial crisis – the challenge may be keeping them in the industry.
  • Innovation has long been viewed as a way to achieve competitive advantage but new research suggests it may be an asset for brand building too.
