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  • Insider trading comes in two main forms: arguably legal and clearly illegal. But, as with drugs in sport, it’s hard to tell when arguably legal ends and clearly illegal begins. Associate Professor Barry Oliver sheds light on new research how some CEOs are walking a thin line when it comes to insider trading.
  • Research shows that trust within an organisation is critically important for successfully navigating crises and disruption. Management expert from The University of Queensland Business School, Professor Nicole Gillespie, shares insights on how leaders can maintain employee trust during the current COVID-19 crises.
  • Cancel culture — withdrawing support for public figures when they do or say something offensive — has become so widespread it was Macquarie Dictionary’s 2019 word of the year. Marketing expert, Dr Alison Joubert from The University of Queensland Business School explains how this trend is affecting society and marketers.
  • Tourism has emerged as one of the hardest-hit industries during the coronavirus pandemic, yet, its income is paramount to the survival of most countries. Now is the perfect time to build in strategies that ensure environmental and economic sustainability.
  • In just a few months, COVID-19 travelled from China to more than 200 other countries, and has now killed more than 200,000 people. Some claim the pandemic sounds the death knell for globalisation - but in fact, it reveals the disasters that can arise when nations try to go it alone. Examining where the world went right or wrong in its COVID-19 response may help mitigate another global crisis, climate change.
  • There is growing evidence and concern that the algorithms and data underpinning AI can produce bias and ethical injustice. Associate Professor Sarah Kelly discusses the governance and data management considerations necessary to ensuring the ethical implementation of AI.
  • UQ PhD graduate, Rahmat Shazi, is part of a group of Malaysian professionals volunteering their time and expertise to develop innovative medical and delivery devices to help the country fight the COVID-19 crisis.
  • Amid understandable concern over health and hygiene during the pandemic, the problem of disposable plastics has taken a back seat. Researchers explore how the coronavirus has changed the use of plastic bags, containers and other disposable products.
  • As Australia readjusts to drastic measures announced by the Federal Government to close many businesses for the next few months, food delivery workers have become an essential service to an isolated population. But little thought has been given to this front line workforce, who are putting themselves at risk, without basic employee rights.


  • Look out - a disruptive new technology is about to send shockwaves through the world of business. Here are some of the ways in which additive manufacturing is likely to shape the future.
  • In sport, as well as business, improving performance is about creating an environment that enables people to grow and develop. A former Olympic coach explains how it’s done.
  • We have heard a lot about it but is it just a buzzword? Here are six ways in which big data is being used in business and society at large.
  • Smartphones will become the new wallets as digital money grows in popularity - but this new and disruptive technology could also have a profound impact on business and the world economy.
  • Forget PowerPoint presentations - leaders need to be able to tell a good story if they are to make their ideas stick. Storytelling can help businesses to motivate staff and inspire brand loyalty. Now developments in the digital world are making this ancient art more relevant than ever.
  • Two heads are better than one, as the saying goes. But what if you could tap into the combined expertise of hundreds or thousands of people? Crowdsourcing allows companies to do just that – whether you are looking to solve a problem, find fresh ideas and inspiration or a new source of labour.
  • Now there’s a new place to hang out at work. Enterprise social networks provide an online environment where employees can get to know their colleagues, work together and exchange ideas.
  • Innovation has long been viewed as a way to achieve competitive advantage but new research suggests it may be an asset for brand building too.
  • As a series of major transport schemes gets underway, could a new and more radical approach to project management help keep them on track?


  • The Australian Government’s first Cyber Crime and Security Report was launched this month, with statistics showing that cyber crime has become ever more targeted and much more efficient. UQ Business School’s Dr Peter Clutterbuck suggests there is still plenty that businesses can do to protect their data integrity.
  • The appointment of a CEO is a landmark event for any company but the selection process is generally shrouded in secrecy.
  • Renowned business mentor John Bittleston has had a business career spanning 60 years. In his latest article he discusses the challenges facing SMEs, and explains why managers need to learn disobedience and improve their forecasting skills.
  • While women still face barriers to the boardroom, there are some things they can do to help their career progress. A leadership expert gives five tips for those who want to move up the ladder.
  • In the wake of the GFC, businesses are under pressure to improve corporate governance. But while some complain of the added burden, others are starting to appreciate the benefits.
  • We clock up 189 million hours of online video each year in Australia. Business and corporate videos are the second most popular content category, after entertainment. Do you know where to look for the latest and greatest online business video insights?
  • Ask a management consultant a question and what are you likely to get? A bill. Is the management consultancy industry listening to its own (often expensive) advice and becoming agile, innovative and customer focussed in the face of uncertainty and rapid change?
  • Credit rating agencies wield considerable power in the global financial system. With one of the big three agencies, Standard & Poor’s, being sued for $5 billion by the US department of justice, we look at what credit ratings do and why they are all over the news.
  • In an age where syndicated content is increasing and journalists at major news outlets are being asked to produce more with declining resources, the alternative voice and subject matter offered by independent publishers is needed more than ever.
