Information systems expert wins world’s top award

2 Mar 2018

A research student from UQ Business School has won the top international award for her dissertation on business information systems.

Dr Van-Hau Trieu is the second Australian PhD student to win the ICIS Dissertation Award since it was introduced in 1995. Van-Hau’s work explains how companies can make the best use of business intelligence systems and for the first time, outlines a way to measure how effectively they use them.

A former lecturer at Hanoi University in Vietnam, Van-Hau spent six years as a research and teaching assistant at UQ Business School.

“Companies invest large sums in IT systems but don’t always get the best value from them,” she explains.

“Effective use can depend on a number of factors – such as the quality of data and how well it is integrated, whether the system meets the users’ needs and even the culture of the company – as businesses which lack an evidence-based culture often fail to use the data to inform decision making. My work aims to help companies make the most of their investment.

“I am really pleased to receive the award and would like to thank my supervisory team, especially my principal supervisor Professor Andrew Burton-Jones, for the help and support they have given me throughout the process.”

Van-Hau, who is now an academic at the University of Melbourne, plans to pursue a career as a specialist in the effective use of information systems.

The award is granted each year by ICIS (the International Conference on Information Systems) and is regarded as the top global award for dissertations in the information systems field.

Professor Burton-Jones said: “This is wonderful news for Van-Hau and for UQ Business School. Her research could result in benefits for businesses worldwide and clearly the judges have recognised its value.”
